Be Prepared For Severe Weather
Icy conditions, storms or tornadoes. It’s good to keep your household prepared to survive a few days without power or water. Gwinnett County offers a list of items to assemble that will make your life a little easier while you wait for the repair crews to restore power. Also included are life-saving tips about portable heating units.
Below is a handy list of phone numbers that we hope you never need to use:
- For Police, Fire or Medical Emergencies — 911
- To Report Lawrenceville Gas Service Interruptions/Outages — 770-339-2410
- Problems with water — 24/7 Dispatch Department — 678-376-7000
- Electrical problems–Jackson EMC — 770-963-6166
Information about trash collection:
- Regular garbage and recycling pickup service will not operate Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2014. Dependent on improved road conditions, it is anticipated that they will resume service the following day with the scheduled delayed by one day.